Neponset Rowing Club

About us
The Neponset Rowing Club provides “learn to row” and competitive rowing for juniors and adults in Milton, Dorchester, Mattapan and other communities around the lower Neponset River.
Our high school programs are open to boys and girls in grades 9-12 from all local high schools. Both Fall and Spring seasons offer students the ability to learn and excel at high-level competitive rowing.
All of our programs use the Milton Town landing to access the water, adjacent to the Milton Yacht club and 88 Wharf Street in MIlton.

Our mission is to share the joy and life-changing benefits of rowing with the diverse communities of the Neponset river.
"It's a beautiful thing to work towards a goal as a unit, with each rower bringing something to the table. I learned that collaboration is more than just an assigned group project. It is everyone giving a piece of themselves to strive to accomplish something together. The bonds I built and the friendships I made because I gave up a piece of control and trusted my team are something I will never forget."
YOUTH rower
"I always wanted to try rowing as my father was a rower and my kids did it in high school. Little did I know the passion I’d feel once I started. You see the sun rise, egrets on the shore, and fish jumping out of the water. And I've made really great friends that share my passion."
Our policies
SafeSport policy
USRowing has joined the United States Olympic Committee in its SafeSport campaign at raising awareness, stopping child abuse in sport and creating a safe culture in sports programs across the country.
Neponset Rowing Club recognizes our commitment and additional responsibilities: strengthening the sport, extending opportunities, and instilling the values of fair play, respect and hard work. Creating conditions that promote the performance and well being of our athletes which require effective policies and monitoring. By implementing the appropriate policies and procedures in our SafeSport Participant Safety Handbook, Neponset Rowing Club can fulfill our obligations to coaches, athletes and parents to assure athlete safety and promoting an environment free from bullying, hazing, harassment (including sexual harrassment), emotional misconduct, physical misconduct and sexual misconduct (including child sexual abuse).
Code of Conduct
The cornerstone of our code of conduct is RESPECT.
Athletes are expected to treat the coaches, volunteers, administrators, parents, and each other with respect. The same respect is afforded to the athletes by the coaching staff and Board of Directors of the Friends of Milton Crew.
Participation in rowing is a privilege and responsibility, which carries the expectation that the athletes will behave in a responsible manner and follow established rules and regulations set by the Board of Directors and coaches. Athletes earn recognition for their achievements as representatives of the team and the community. When athletes accept this privilege, he or she must live up to the high standards of our code of conduct.
As a prerequisite for participation in Neponset Rowing Club programs, participants are expected to sign this statement that commits the participant to follow the established training rules and abide by the Neponset Rowing Club – Code of Conduct.
Team Rules and Regulations
A participant shall always be respectful toward another rower, coach, volunteer, board member or any other person. Participants will not harass, ridicule, or humiliate any other individual. Prohibited actions include verbal or nonverbal disrespect, psychological, or physical abuse. In addition, participants must:
Treat officials, coaches, opponents, teammates, and volunteers with respect.
Control their emotions at all times and never argue with officials or volunteers.
Represent the club with dignity and good sportsmanship at all regattas and regatta trips.
Refrain from using obscene language and gestures. e. Follow the coach’s instructions both on and off the water at all times.
Rowing equipment is very expensive and must be handled with care. Unnecessary talking and horseplay is not permitted when handling equipment. All athletes must participate in routine maintenance and storage of equipment. Report problems to the coaching staff immediately.
Participants shall arrive at practice, meetings, and regattas at the properly scheduled time. Participants are expected to attend practices daily. Both effort and performance are important aspects of attendance and are expected by the coaching staff, as well as your fellow teammates.
Participants are expected to show initiative and dedication to self-improvement and training when not on the water or in between seasons.
All participants are required to show respect for the neighborhoods and community property surrounding Milton Landing, Dedham, and Canton. There is absolutely no littering, loitering or trespassing on private property. Athletes shall participate in regular cleanup of the park property, storage areas, and the parking lot.
Neponset Rowing Club participants are required to display good citizenship and sportsmanship in connection with their participation on the team.
Coaches have the authority to suspend a rower temporarily for failure to comply with rules and regulations, for displaying poor sportsmanship, or when the participant’s safety or safety of others requires such actions.
Disciplinary action for a violation of the Code of Conduct will be commensurate with the nature and extent of the violation, and may include direction to stop the offensive behavior, temporary suspension, or removal from the team for a season or permanently.
Consent of the Board of Directors is required prior to removal of a participant from the team.
If a rower has violated any provision of this code of conduct, the following procedure will be implemented:
The coach will immediately address the concerns with the participant, as well as document the infraction. This action by the coach constitutes the first warning. Any infraction of the substance abuse policy will also result in immediate contact with the participant’s parent/guardian.
The Head Coach and the Program Director shall be notified of the infraction. If a further violation is committed, a parent will be contacted. The participant will be asked to take three days off from practice, and talk with the coach prior to returning to the team. This constitutes the second warning.
After a third violation of the Code of Conduct, the participant will be asked to leave the team for the season.
Depending on the severity or repetition of the violation, this issue may be further discussed with the Board of Directors, and the athlete may be removed from the team for the season or permanently.
A participant subject to disciplinary action may request a meeting with the coach, the Program Director, and representative(s) of the Board of Directors to discuss the action.